Couples Counseling & Marriage Counseling


Dr. Toni Rabinowitz provides counseling for individuals, covering a wide range of problems.

“Individuals usually enter therapy because of A CRISIS. The crisis can be very overwhelming. I work to help you set small goals that can be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. This approach allows you to think about the solutions to your problems in a stepwise direction.”

“Depression, anxiety, loss and frustration are all normal human feelings. I will help you see how, at times, the way you are thinking can get you stuck. Sometimes the overwhelming feeling of helplessness can get you stuck. Sometimes, old ideas from the past can cause you to filter the world in a particular way. At times, the way you speak to yourself or those around you can create an outcome that is not what you want. We will shine a light on the architecture of the situation and get you back on track.”

“My early training was in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. In my many years of experience, I have begun to develop a way of helping my clients understand the lens that they are viewing themselves from. We work on direct, real life issues with an understanding that many past and present influences inform our view.” – Dr. Toni Rabinowitz