Infertility is a common problem that affects many couples trying to conceive. While it can undoubtedly be emotionally challenging, there is no need to go through it alone. Counseling for infertility can help you and your partner understand that you are not the only ones having this problem. A counselor can help you work through the emotional pain associated with infertility while also helping you evaluate alternative options for having children.

Common Causes of Infertility

Infertility can come from the man or woman in the relationship, and oftentimes both partners play a role. Here’s a look at some of the most common causes.

Infertility in Men

On the male side, infertility is typically the result of low sperm count or low sperm motility. When the man’s body doesn’t produce enough sperm or those sperm can’t move around effectively, the chances of conceiving drop dramatically. These issues can develop due to medical causes, such as past infections or surgeries, or they can be due to lifestyle factors, such as smoking, lack of physical fitness, too-tight underwear, medications, poor diet, and more. Stress can also be a primary cause of infertility in men.

Infertility in Women

Stress can lower fertility in women as well. In addition, women may also face medical complications, such as blocked fallopian tubes due to ectopic pregnancy, past infections, and endometriosis. A woman’s eggs may also develop incorrectly as a result of hormonal imbalances or ovarian cysts. As with men, lifestyle can also be a factor in women, with rapid weight gain or loss, thyroid disorders, smoking, lack of exercise, dehydration, poor nutrition, and medications reducing fertility.

How Counseling for Infertility Can Help

If you are struggling with infertility, no matter on which side the problem lies, a fertility counselor can help you work through it. For those suffering from infertility due to lifestyle factors, a counselor can guide you in making the necessary changes to help boost your chances of getting pregnant.

If your infertility is due to a medical condition that cannot be corrected, it can be difficult news to take at first. You’ll likely be faced with an onslaught of emotions. Through counseling for infertility, you can begin to work through those emotions. Not only is this beneficial for your own mental health and well-being, but it can also make your relationship with your partner even stronger. The best way to get through infertility issues is to handle them together, and counseling can help you do just that.

Once you have begun the challenging work of managing your emotions, you, your partner, and your infertility counselor can begin exploring other options. Just because you might not be able to conceive a child naturally does not mean that you cannot become parents. Your counselor can guide you through the many other options available to you for having children, such as fertility treatments, surrogacy, adoption, and more. Having an expert guide you through the process can make everything feel less stressful and overwhelming.

Get Started with Infertility Counseling

There is no need to keep struggling with infertility issues on your own. Dr. Toni Rabinowitz is here to help you get through it. In addition to counseling for infertility, she also offers marriage and couples counseling, as well as individual therapy. With a bit of help and guidance, you can work through your emotions and mental stumbling blocks to help you get on a healthier mental path for your future. Reach out to our office today to learn more about Dr. Rabinowitz and schedule an appointment for a consultation.